- Cama-i, quyana tailuci!
- (Central Yup’ik)
- "Greetings, thank you for coming!"
System for School Success
A Letter to Alaskans
Dear Fellow Alaskans,
I am proud to share that the Alaska Department of Education and Early Development is actively collaborating with districts to establish mechanisms for evaluating student success, ensuring that each student receives a high-quality education, every day. The adoption of the Alaska System of Academic Readiness (AK STAR) assessment system has played a pivotal role in providing educators and parents with an effective means of monitoring student progress, while simultaneously meeting the requirements set forth by Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) for a state summative assessment.
Understanding that a comprehensive view is essential for student growth, the System for School Success utilizes AK STAR results to generate school designations. These designations - Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI), Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI), and Universal Support - offer valuable insights for families, tribes, communities, educators, and policymakers into how our schools and districts are performing.
These designations, along with locally collected data, empower districts to ensure a quality education for each student in Alaska. Together, we can utilize this information to craft innovative plans and work collaboratively towards improving student outcomes across our great state.
Your engagement and commitment to education are integral to our success. Let us continue working together to create an educational environment that nurtures the potential of every student.
Dr. Deena Bishop
System for School Success
The System for School Success is used to help Schools and districts measure their performance on key indicators, identify areas for improvement, and target resources and support for all students to receive an excellent education and be prepared for college or a career after high school.
Complete List of 2023-2024 School Designations (pdf)
Complete List of 2022-2023 School Designations (pdf)
Complete List of 2021-2022 School Designations (pdf)
Complete List of 2018-2019 School Designations (pdf)
View My School's Designation
The System for School Success is Alaska's Accountability system under the Every Student Succeeds Act. Alaska's plan can be found here. Resources to help you understand the plan are below.System for School Success Guides
Accountability Systems What and Why (pdf)
5 Things Parents Should Know about ESSA (pdf)
Guide to the System for School Success (pdf)
System for School Success Companion Document (pdf)
Frequently Asked Questions (pdf)
Long Term Goals and Measures (pdf)
2022-2023 & 2023-24 Accountability Growth Cut Scores
Fact Sheets for the System for School Success
Alaska's Summative Assessments (pdf)
Alaska's English Language Arts Standards (pdf)
Alaska's Mathematic Standards (pdf)
CSI Schools - Graduation Rates (pdf)
CSI Schools - More Rigorous Interventions (pdf)
State and Local Report Cards
A Parent Guide to State and Local Report Cards (pdf)
Accountability Indicators Reports
Since the Department of Education & Early Development (DEED) last produced Alaska School Performance Index (ASPI) scores and ratings following the 2013-2014 school year, DEED has published Accountability Indicators Reports that include assessment performance for full academic year (FAY) students, as well as rates of assessment participation, attendance, and graduation. “Full academic year” is defined as continuous enrollment between October 1 and the first day of testing. Please visit the Assessment Results page to view assessment performance for all students regardless of FAY status.
The 2016-2017 Accountability Indicators Reports available below represent the best available data as of October 2, 2017. Changes after this date, if any, will be reflected in the online Report Card to the Public, due for release on January 15, 2018.
Former Accountability Systems
In September 2012 Alaska applied for a flexibility waiver from the provisions of the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). The waiver was approved in May 2013 by the United States Department of Education. In June 2013, the State Board adopted a new accountability system for our public schools. The new system has been named the Alaska School Performance Index (ASPI). The ASPI system effectively replaces the former Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) model that has been in place since 2002.
- Press Release - June 10, 2013: State Board Adopts New Accountability System for Public Schools (pdf)
- Sample ASPI Worksheet (pdf)
- ASPI Worksheet Explanation (pdf)
- Alaska’s School and District Accountability & AMOs (pptx)
- State Releases 2014 School Ratings (pdf)
- School Star Rating Breakouts by School and Student Count (pdf)
- School Star Ratings Sorted By District (pdf)
- Two-Year School Star Ratings Comparison Sorted By District (pdf)
- Press Release – August 16, 2013: State Releases School Rating Under New System (pdf)
- School Star Ratings Sorted By District (pdf)
- School Star Rating Breakout by School and Student Count (pdf)
2003 - 2012
- Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP)
Under the new state accountability system and approved ESEA Flexibility Waiver, Alaska has set new Annual Measurable Objective (AMO) targets in reading, writing, and mathematics that are ambitious but achievable.
- AMO targets are set for the all-students group and for each of the currently required subgroups that have at least 5 students (economically disadvantaged students, limited English proficient students, students with disabilities, and all six ethnic groups).
- The targets, in each assessed subject, increase in annual increments toward a goal of reducing by half the percentage of students who are not proficient within six years (based on the 2012 assessment data for the baseline year).
- Targets have been set for the state, each district, and each school. A school or district will meet the AMO targets if it meets either the state target or its individual school or district target. The target of 95% participation in assessments must be met to meet the AMO target.
Annual Measurable Objective (AMO) Targets
Progress Toward 2013-2014 AMO Targets
Progress Toward 2012-2013 AMO Targets
Educator Accountability & Support
In 2012, the State Board of Education & Early Development adopted new educator evaluation regulations. The new guidelines require educators to be evaluated through observations and input from students and parents. Evaluation should identify educators’ strengths and weaknesses and support educators' efforts to improve instruction and to grow professionally. Beginning in the 2015-2016 school year, teachers and administrators also will be evaluated using student learning data.
ESEA Waiver
Waiver Renewal Approved – July 2, 2015
- Alaska ESEA Flexibility Waiver Renewal, July 2, 2015 (application only) (pdf)
- Alaska ESEA Flexibility Waiver Renewal, July 2, 2015 (attachments only) (pdf)
- US Department of Education Approval Letter Waiver Renewal July 23, 2015 (pdf)
ESEA Flexibility Waiver Renewal Plans March 2015
- View the Power Point presentation
- Listen to the recorded webinar
Waiver Amended for Principle 1 & 2 – December 19, 2014
- Alaska ESEA Flexibility Waiver Amended Principle 1 & 2, December 19, 2014 (application only) (pdf)
- Alaska ESEA Flexibility Waiver Amended Principle 1 & 2, December 19, 2014 (attachments only) (pdf)
- US Department of Education Approval Letter Amended Principle 1 & 2, December 19, 2014 (pdf)
- Notification of Intent to Amend AK ESEA Flexibility Waiver Principle 1, July 11, 2014 (pdf)
Waiver Amended for Principle 2 – June 5, 2014
- Alaska ESEA Flexibility Waiver Amended Principle 2, June 5, 2014 (application only) (pdf)
- Alaska ESEA Flexibility Waiver Amended Principle 2, June 5, 2014 (complete with attachments) (pdf)
- US Department of Education Approval Letter Amended Principle 2, June 5, 2014 (pdf)
- Alaska ESEA Flexibility Waiver Amendment Principle 2 Submission Template March 12, 2014 (pdf)
- Notification of Intend to Amend AK ESEA Flexibility Waiver Principle 2 February 10, 2014 (pdf)
Initial Approved Waiver – May 20, 2013
- Alaska Receives No Child Left Behind Waiver May 20, 2013
- Initial Approved Alaska ESEA Flexibility Waiver May 20, 2013 (application only) (pdf)
- Initial Approved Alaska Flexibility Waiver May 20, 2013 (complete with attachments) (pdf)
- ESEA Flexibility Waiver Requirements Overview (August 2012) (ppt)
- Key Elements of AK Waiver Initial Proposal for Principle 1 – Standards & Assessments (August 2012) (ppt)
- Key Elements of AK Waiver Initial Proposal for Principle 2 – Accountability & Support (September 2012) (ppt)
- Key Elements of AK Waiver Initial Proposal for Principle 3 – Teacher/Educator Quality & Support (August 2012) (ppt)
2021 Accountability Waiver Request
Following a review of stakeholder input and consultation with the Governor’s office, DEED submitted a request for a waiver of the Accountability system in the 2020-2021 school year on June 7th, 2021. The waiver request was approved by US ED on June 9th, 2021. Links to the waiver request and approval memo can be found below.
Contact Us
Director of Innovation and Education Excellence
- Kathy Moffit
- (907) 269-3700
Division Operations Manager: Assessments & Accountability
- Deborah Riddle
- (907) 465-2892
Data Management Supervisor
- Nancy Eagan
- (907) 465-2803