- Cama-i, quyana tailuci!
- (Central Yup’ik)
- "Greetings, thank you for coming!"
Office of Tribal Affairs
Contact Us: DEED.Tribal.Affairs@alaska.gov
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Naghun duninu du! – Welcome
In 2022, the Department of Education and Early Development (DEED) established the Office of Tribal Affairs to support students, families, and educators in meeting the goals of the Alaska Education Challenge. This office works on various educational topics by collaborating with Alaska Native Tribes, Tribal entities, school districts, and State and Federal education organizations. Two priority areas in alignment with the Alaska Education Challenge are State-Tribal Education Compacting and Alaska Native Language and Culture Instruction. The links below provide more information about these two priorities.

Announcement spot

Save the Date: Alaska Native Language Summit May 1, 2024
Quyanaq, Taikuu, Quyaana, Iliġanamik, Igamsiqanaghhalek, Amken, Quyana, Quyana, Qaĝaasakuq, Chin’an, Chiqinik, Dogedinh, Baasee’, Mahsi’, Tsinęę, Mahsi’, Tsin’aen, Awa’ahdah, Gunalchéesh, Háw‘aa, T’oya̱xsut ‘nüün, Way Dankoo, Thank you