- Cama-i, quyana tailuci!
- (Central Yup’ik)
- "Greetings, thank you for coming!"
The Alaska Mathematics Standards prepare Alaska students to be competitive on the national and world stage. These standards are a set of specific, rigorous expectations that build students’ conceptual understanding, mathematical language, and application of processes and procedures coherently from one grade to the next so all students will be prepared for post-secondary experiences.
Standards and Targets by Grade
Grade Level | Standards | Learning Targets | Vocab | Tasks |
Kindergarten | PDF | Word | PDF | Word | PDF | Word | PDF | Word |
1 | PDF | Word | PDF | Word | PDF | Word | PDF | Word |
2 | PDF | Word | PDF | Word | PDF | Word | PDF | Word |
3 | PDF | Word | PDF | Word | PDF | Word | PDF | Word |
4 | PDF | Word | PDF | Word | PDF | Word | PDF | Word |
5 | PDF | Word | PDF | Word | PDF | Word | PDF | Word |
6 | PDF | Word | PDF | Word | PDF | Word | |
7 | PDF | Word | PDF | Word | PDF | Word | |
8 | PDF | Word | PDF | Word | PDF | Word |
Educator's Toolbox
Awareness Tools
- Math treasure hunt (pdf)
- Understanding rigor (docx)
- Instructional Focus and Cluster Worksheet for Grades K-8 (word)
- Instructional Focus and High School Course Clusters (word)
- Standards for mathematical practice (docx)
- Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching Resources
Teacher Tools
Grade Level | Vocab |
Kindergarten | PDF | Word |
1 | PDF | Word |
2 | PDF | Word |
3 | PDF | Word |
4 | PDF | Word |
5 | PDF | Word |
6 | PDF | Word |
7 | PDF | Word |
8 | PDF | Word |
Sites of Interest
Instructional Material
- District Math Instructional Materials (xlsx)
- Math Instructional Materials District Review EdReports and LA Ratings (xlsx)
Special Education
Alaskan students who take Dynamic Learning Map assessments are instructed and assessed on Essential Elements (EEs). EEs are grade-level-specific expectations about what students with the most significant cognitive disabilities should know and be able to do. EEs are related to college- and career-readiness standards for students in the general population.
For more information, please visit the Special Education page.
Essential Elements
Early Learning
The Alaska English Language Arts and Mathematics Standards are specific rigorous expectations for growth and development in students’ skills across grades. The AK STAR summative assessment for ELA and Mathematics is administered in grades 3 – 9. The assessment is designed to measure a student’s understanding of the skills and concepts outlined in the Alaska English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics Standards.
(NEW!) AK STAR: Alaska System of Academic Readiness. Please check back regularly for updated standards resources, helpful instructional material, and other useful information.